This blog is dedicated to share ideas and tools to define and manage your change. As such, these posts aim to be practical and hands-on. I will, however share, from time to time, some resources, such as links, videos, case-studies, articles, etc. that I think can be inspiring or helpful.
Although I shall focus primarily on personal change, a lot what I shall share can also be adapted to be used in an organisational setting and at work. I do this on a daily basis with my executive coaching and change management consulting clients.
So, without any further ado, let's get started...
Why is change so important?
First of all because whether you like it or not, change is out there and is coming towards you at break-neck speed. You can run, but you can't hide. Secondly because the only way to get better results, whatever that means and in whichever area of your life, depends on start doing or thinking about what you do (or don't) differently. In a word: change.
Let's start with the challenge of defining what to change. Without knowing where you want to go there is no point in learning tools or getting started. Once you really know WHAT you want, and only then, can you focus on the HOW.
Most people, when asked what they would like to change in their life, have no idea. Some, when pressed, end up saying they would like to win the lottery (HOW). This is a bit like saying: "I have no clue what I want but give me the money and surely I'll figure out how to be happy". I am afraid you need to know that this strategy is unlikely to work out for you. I am not saying that money doesn't help or that these is something wrong with it, but ultimately it is a tool not an end in itself. A lot of people who have lots of money end up living quite miserable lives, as the biographies of many millionaires have shown. The point is simply that money will not bring purpose, but it can indeed help to achieve it. In future posts I shall show you that the key to happiness is understanding what really matters to us and why and linking those insights to shaping our identity and purpose in life. But more on that later. Let's start with a simple step.
Is it at work? Or it may have to do with your relationships and how you deal with people? Your health perhaps? Or maybe your finances? Could it be how you use your free time to develop and have fun? If you are not sure in which part of your life change is more needed, think about each of the above areas and assess from 0 (min) to 10 (max) how satisfied you are.
Then step back and take a look at the results. Is one standing out as having a big gap? If so that is where you are likely to find a significance. Does it also feel particular urgent? If so, congratulations, you have now narrowed down the
options and can focus on that area.
In my next post I will explain how to do just that. So watch this space.
Should you feel the need for support or more information regarding the suggestion above, drop me a line.
I am always happy to assist you as you try to define what needs to change.
Remember that as a coach I am content-light and it is always up to you to decide what really matters. I just provide the context, the structure, the questions and help you focus to get going and stay on track in your change journey.